Friday, August 29, 2003

Friday Five

1. Are you going to school this year?
if nothing else came up, yes

2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate?
College, I'll be getting my Master degree in a year time

3. What are/were your favorite school subjects?
Would you believe it, math or physic :D

4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects?
History, very very very boring..

5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite?
I had this lecturer when I was in college name Mr Steph, he could explain difficult subjects and made it more easier for students to capture the concept. Teachers like that make you want to study more. Education world, especially here in Indonesia, needs more people like him.

click here to get your friday five

currently playing : Just Like Heaven - The Cure

I'm jobless, starting tomorrow.
There was a nice suprice this afternoon. Bos gua ngumpulin semua orang di satu ruangan terus ngasih speech perpisahan buat gua. Abis itu, mereka bikin makan2 kecil buat gua dan ngasih kenang-kenangan segala. Duh, jadi terharu, gua doain juga deh perusahaannya gak jadi tutup dan jadi sukses.
Aniway, thanks for everything guys, walaupun mungkin mereka gak bakalan baca ini, gua terima kasih sekali bisa kerja bareng kalian..


currently playing : Maybe Someday - The Cure

"i've got to let it go and leave it gone
just walk away, stop it going on
get too scared to jump if i wait too long
but maybe someday"

Thursday, August 28, 2003

to John O'Shea, who scored his first United goal last night. It's a winner too ;-)

oh, about the ECL draw, United is in group E with Panathinaikos, Glasgow Rangers, Vfb Stuttgart.
Read the full draw here

currently playing: Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division

Tadi Malem
.. gua bangun jam 2:00 buat nonton bola. Pas bolanya udah selesai sekitar jam 4:00, gua pikir daripada tidur lagi terus kebablasan gak dapet sholat subuh, mending sholat tahajud dulu. Abis selesai sholat gua jadi kepikiran, kalau gak ada bola gak bakalan nih gua bisa bangun jam segini. Terus jadi inget, selama ini gua sholat tahajud biasanya kalau pas ada bola malemnya. Kesannya sholat tahajud itu cuma jadi tujuan kedua, bukan yang utama, padahal seharusnya kan gak gitu. Terus gua mikir lagi, kalau bangun mau nonton bola pagi2 gua gampang banget kebangun, bisa dalam sekejap udah bangun dari tempat tidur, tapi kalau mau tahajud malah dilama2in bangunnya, alhasil malah gak jadi. Atau malah gak inget sama sekali alasan kenapa ngeset alarm jam segitu, terus langsung tidur lagi. Wahh.. gak bener banget pokoknya. Abis itu, mau mikir lagi, eh udah keburu ngantuk, ya sudah.. zzzz.. :D:D

currently playing: Talk Tonight : Oasis

"sitting all alone, chewing on a bone, a thousand million miles from home
something hit me, right between the eye"

Last Days At Work
Hehehe, udah 2 minggu terakhir ini kerjaan gua minim banget gara-gara gua udah mau cabut, malah bisa dibilang gak ada. Sayangnya pas saat-saat kayak gini malah gak ada internet :(. Untung sempet install CM di kompie kantor :D. Lumayanlah buat ngabisin waktu. Besok bakal jadi hari terakhir gua di kantor, rada sedih juga sih, soalnya suasana kantor gua sekarang lebih enak dibanding kantor dulu, orang-orangnya rame dan asik.
Oh ya, tadi sempet juga main boling bareng anak-anak KG. Gara-gara ada yang bikin kejuaraan di tempat reguler, tadi pada main di tempat yang VIP. Enak juga di situ, tempat duduknya empuk :D. Sayangnya skor gua jauh dibawah target, padahal pengennya terakhir kali main di situ, minimal bisa sampe 100 :p.

currently playing : Shout - Tears For Fears

"They gave you life
And in return you gave them them hell
As cold as ice
I hope we live to tell the tale"

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Hehehehe, buat yang bingung sama postingan di bawah, I don't blame you. Gua kalau lagi ngaco emang suka nulis yang aneh-aneh. It's just something really personal.
btw, buat yang nanya-nanya kapan gua berangkat, gua take off hari Sabtu tanggal 6 September jam 5 sore. Kalau ada yang mau nganter, bakal berterima kasih sekali.. Kalau pada gak sempet doanya doang juga gak papa :D.

currently playing : Dave Matthews Band - Crush
"It's crazy, I'm thinking just knowing that the world is round
I'm here, I'm dancing on the ground"

Monday, August 25, 2003

I think I just do it in a too-paranoid scale. It could be wrong, but I used to be right about this sort of things. I don't even know why I did it, maybe I'm just looking for an answer. Which I think won't be very pleasing for me. I know I should stop, but right now I just can't. Sorry if it doesn't make any sense, I'm not sure if I understand this either.


Sunday, August 24, 2003

Oh, one more thing..
why the hell are there two version of the song below anyway??

This week..
I remember this sig on someone in KG.
It says, "There are three kinds of dead for IT people,
There are brain dead, heart dead, and being offline.
So officially, I've been 'dead' for almost a week now.
The company internet is being cutted again for not paying last month bill. I guess the policy of replacing the connection with the limited one isn't quite working well. So anyway, my only time for checking my e-mails, browsing through forums and other people blogs, and updating this blog is when I'm home. And the time when I'm home is also my laziest time of the day, ever. That would explain why I rarely update this blog for the past week. Anyway, that's all I want to write right now.. see you later..

currently playing : Why don't you and I - Santana feat Chad Kroeger

"And slowly I begin to realize this is never gonna end. Right about the same you walk by
And I say 'Oh here we go again, oh'"

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Self confidence reach a new all-time low.
Don't ask my why though..

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Bikin template ternyata gak segampang yang gua kira..
damn, harus nanya-nanya lagi nih sama yang udah ahli..

Thursday, August 14, 2003

What's your nightmare ?

painful nightmare
Painful Nightmare

What sort of Nightmare are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Letter to the President

gak tau nih bener apa nggak, tapi lumayan buat dibaca..:D

Pemenang Pertama Lomba Menulis Surat untuk Presiden Tingkat Nasional,
Kategori Kelas I-III SD dalam Rangka Hari Anak 2003. Dewan Juri:
Seto Mulyadi, Riris K. Toha Sarumpaet, Tika Bisono, Agus R. Sarjono
Kepada Yang Terhormat
Presiden Republik Indonesia
Di Istana

Ibu Mega, apa kabar? Aku harap ibu baik-baik seperti aku saat ini.
Ibu, di kelas badanku paling tinggi. Cita-citaku juga tinggi.
Aku mau jadi presiden. Tapi baik. Presiden yang pintar, bisa buat
komputer sendiri. Yang tegas sekali. Bisa bicara 10 bahasa. Presiden
yang dicintai orang-orang. Kalau meninggal masuk surga.

Ibu sayang,
Bunda pernah cerita tentang Umar sahabat Nabi Muhammad. Dia itu
pemimpin. Umar suka jalan-jalan ke tempat yang banyak orang
miskinnya. Tapi orang-orang tidak tahu kalau itu Umar. Soalnya Umar
menyamar. Umar juga tidak bawa pengawal. Umar jadi tahu kalau ada
orang yang kesusahan di negeri dia. Bisa cepat menolong.

Kalau jadi presiden, aku juga mau seperti Umar. Tapi masih lama
sekali. Harus sudah tua dan kalau dipilih orang. Jadi aku mengirim
surat ini mau mengajak ibu menyamar.

Malam-malam kita bisa pergi ke tempat yang banyak orang miskinnya.
Pakai baju robek dan jelek. Muka dibuat kotor. Kita dengar kesusahan
rakyat. Terus kita tolong.

Tapi ibu jangan bawa pengawal. Jangan bilang-bilang. Kita tidak usah
pergi jauh-jauh. Di dekat rumahku juga banyak anak jalanan. Mereka
mengamen mengemis. Tidak ada bapak ibunya. Terus banyak orang jahat
minta duit dari anak-anak kecil. Kasihan.

Ibu Presiden,
kalau mau, ibu balas surat aku ya. Jangan ketahuan pengawal nanti ibu
tidak boleh pergi. Aku yang jaga supaya ibu tidak diganggu orang. Ibu
jangan takut. Presiden kan punya baju tidak mempan peluru. Ada kan
seperti di filem? Pakai saja. Ibu juga bisa kurus kalau jalan kaki
terus. Tapi tidak apa. Sehat.

Jadi ibu bisa kenal orang-orang miskin di negara Indonesia. Bisa tahu
sendiri tidak usah tunggu laporan karena sering ada korupsi.

Sudah dulu ya. Ibu jangan marah ya. Kalau tidak senang aku jangan
dipenjara ya. Terimakasih.

Abdurahman Faiz
Kelas II SDN 02 Cipayung Jakarta Timur

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

I'm a fool :-)

I got the mp3 for the Ten Sharp version a few days ago..:-).
What a fool believes

He came from somewhere back in her long ago
The sentimental fool don’t see
Tryin’ hard to recreate
What had yet to be created once in her life

She musters a smile
For his nostalgic tale
Never coming near what he wanted to say
Only to realize
It never really was

She had a place in his life
He never made her think twice
As he rises to her apology
Anybody else would surely know
He’s watching her go

But what a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power to reason away
What seems to be
Is always better than nothing
And nothing at all keeps sending him...

Somewhere back in her long ago
Where he can still believe there’s a place in her life
Someday, somewhere, she will return

She had a place in his life
He never made her think twice
As he rises to her apology
Anybody else would surely know
He’s watching her go

But what a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power to reason away
What seems to be
Is always better than nothing
There’s nothing at all
But what a fool believes he sees...

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Don't play with your fate
Happy Deathday!
Your name:number7
You will die on:Thursday, April 26, 2035
You will die of:Skin Cancer
Created by Quill

Monday, August 11, 2003

I'm on TV!
Went to the NewsCafe last night to catch some footie. Suprisingly, met a high school friend who I haven't seen in a long time. She's there working as a SPG with her friends. And I gotta tell you this.. she's wayy hotter than in high school. It must be the clothes. No offence there, to the girls out there.. but really.
Anyway, besides showing the game live, TV7 made a live report from the cafe too, and apparently they got me on camera accidently, even though I think I managed to duck everytime the camera went my way.
About the game, we won with a penalty shootout, and this new keeper looks very good. Beside his excellent penalty stop, he has that certain presence in the penalty area that I think Fabien lacks. I see a bright future for this lad, I hope he keeps it up.
On to Bolton!

Saturday, August 09, 2003

Nothing really
First thing first.
First, thanks to Mr Tebar Pesona, who kindly gave me the code to make the combo boxes for the links..:D
Second, sorry is not the hardest word Elton..
Third, on a much more serious note, I'm very sad to hear that one of Manchester United youth player, Jimmy Davies, died in a car accident later this day. May condolences to his family, and may he rest in peace.

Friday, August 08, 2003

Entah kenapa, hari ini gua sering banget ngelamun pas lagi di jalan. Alhasil yang ada gua nyasar-nyasar melulu.
Awalnya dari tadi pagi. Pagi-pagi gua harus ngurus sesuatu di bank, tapi karena jalan dari bank ke kantor gua daerah 3 in 1, gua gak bisa ke bank dulu baru ke kantor. Gara2 itu, gua putusin ke kantor dulu terus gua ke banknya naik taksi. Karena kalau sampai bank muternya jauh, gua suruh supir taksinya berhenti di jalan seberang banknya aja. Waktu di jalan, gua ngelamun, gak merhatiin jalan lagi soalnya supir taksinya bilang dia tau jalan. Pas akhirnya gua merhatiin jalan, ternyata udah banknya kelewatan jauh banget *arrggh!*. Sialan bener nih supir taksi, ternyata tepu tadi. Akhirnya gua nyebrang, terus naik taksi lagi sampai bank.
Pas siangnya, gua naik mobil ke mesjid, lagi-lagi kejadian, kelewatan lagi belokan buat ke mesjid. Harusnya pas lampu merah gua belok kanan, gara-gara lagi ngelamun, gua malah terus.. Untung gak telat sholat jum'atnya..
Malemnya, gua mampir ke Pd Gede sebelum cabut ke rumah, dari Pd Gede, gua harusnya ambil tol ke arah Depok, tapi tadi malah keterusan masuk ke tol Grogol.. lagi-lagi gara-gara ngelamun. Lumayan juga nambah 40 menit dari waktu seharusnya. Geblek banget nih gua..
Dasar tukang mimpi.. lain kali gua mimpi di kasur aja :p

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Bored, and decided to take some quiz

Which X2 Character Are You?

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Slow thinkin'
OMG, I'm so fuckin' stoopid!!!!
Gua dulu jago lho nebak2 soal beginian..
damn.. I'm losing my touch here..

Monday, August 04, 2003

Home for the weekend
It's rather mixed weekend, Saturday was kinda nice, went to my old campus and meet some friends, there was this guy who wants to borrow my Harry Potter book, so I brought the book and met him there. I went to balsem to get some lunch after that, it was way much nicer from the time when I still in college, they got this new building and all. On Sunday, I spent most of my time laying around and playing computer on Sunday. Can't connect to the net either (arrg!), look like there's been some error in the phone billing. So I stuck with TV and CM 4. The highlite of the day was when I successfully brought Southampton to the 3rd position on English Premier League on the second season with my excellent managerial skills. Eat that Chelsea! :D.