Monday, July 28, 2003

Riddle me this, riddle me that
..who's afraid of the big black bat?
- The Riddler, Batman Forever

This is one of Carrey's memorable line from the movie, which I watch around this time of the year 8 years ago. (yaiks, it's been THAT long?). It's just pop in my head, and I do some googling, and got this cool website Batman on film, just curious about the new development on the Batman franchise. Chris Nolan of the Memento fame apparently got the chance to direct it, called Batman : The Frightening. I hope it's a good choice, and really got the chance to get through. Not much in it yet, but they have a great story from an early version of the script that available on the site. This is got to have a better chance than Aronofsky's Batman year one. Finger crossed

with myself,
with my friends,
with my work,
with my life,

no regrets..


Friday, July 25, 2003

Joke for the weekend
got this from a friend.. bwahahahaha..

Nasihat sebelum menikah

Saya sangat bahagia. Aku telah pacaran dengannya lebih dari satu
tahun. Sekarang kami memutuskan untuk menikah. Orangtuaku setuju dan
membantuku alam segala hal untuk mempersiapkan pernikahan kami, teman-temanku
begitu mendukungku, dan pacarku... dia adalah segalanya.
Tetapi hanya ada satu yang sangat menggangguku, yaitu adiknya yang
paling kecil. Dia berumur 20 tahun, dan suka sekali memakai rok mini bila
aku datang berkunjung kerumah pacarku, dan dia sengaja duduk dengan
tidak sopan di depanku. Adiknya melakukan hal itu setiap kali aku datang kerumah
pacarku. Sebelum pernikahan kami, adiknya meneleponku untuk datang dan
membantunya mengecek kartu undangan pernikahan aku dan pacarku. Dia
sedang sendirian ketika aku sampai. Dia berbisik bahwa dia ingin
sekali bercinta denganku sekali saja, sebelum aku akan menikah.
Aku masih bengong, dia berkata, "Aku naik dulu ke kamar, dan aku
tunggu kamu di sana." Pada waktu menaiki tangga, dia memandang
tajam mataku, kemudian menurunkan celana dalam dari rok mininya.
Saat itu aku tidak dapat berkata-kata, hanya diam terpaku selama
beberapa detik. Aku berbalik kemudian segera menuju ke pintu depan,
membuka pintu dan keluar dari rumah itu, berjalan secepatnya ke
Ternyata calom mertuaku sudah menuggu di luar. Dengan air mata
mereka menyambut dan memelukku sambil berkata, "Kami sangat bahagia
karena kamu telah melewati tes ini. Di mana lagi kami dapat mendapatkan
menantu sebaik kamu, kamulah yang terbaik buatnya, tidak kami ragukan
Hanya ada satu hal yang bisa aku katakan sekarang: Selalu simpanlah
kondom Anda di dalam mobil, jangan di dompet....

Weekend Blast!
Weekend here I come!! ;-)
I got several plans for the weekend, thanks to ya people who'll make this weekend an interesting one. I've got a lunch treat from a friend who're having his birthday today. Congrats man, you're quarter of a century now.. hehehe. Oh, must remember checking the car to the carshop tomorrow, the electrical system was going haywire a few times this week, setting off alarm for no reason, the radio losing its setting, I hope it's nothing serious.
For Sunday, PS2 grand tournament with some guys at Warbol! :D. I've not played for a month or so, so I'll be waiting in full anticipation..:D

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

One day in Yahoo Messenger

Sori nih rada2 lokal.. tapi this is the best laugh I had in weeks.. bweehehehe...
note: the name have been change to protect the innocent..

number7: eh bel.. gimana hasil penaklukan di puncak?
beliz_hati: gue naklukin siapa dodol ?
beliz_hati: muka-muka lama semua
number7: ya gak tau.. siapa tau aja ada..
beliz_hati: number7: ya gak tau.. siapa tau aja ada.. <-- wah saya kan ndak kayak mas number7, temen sendiri diembat
beliz_hati: wheuaheahuea
number7: bwahahaha..
number7: eh, elo mau nanya apa ke ****..?? kayaknya gua tau nih yang mau ditanyain..
beliz_hati: wheuaheuahuea
beliz_hati: apa coba ? kisi2xnya dunks
number7: ehm.. pokoknya hubungan antara pria terpelajar dan wanita karir..
beliz_hati: number7: ehm.. pokoknya hubungan antara pria terpelajar dan wanita karir.. <-- Wahahaha..... anjrit
beliz_hati: ternyata udah kesebar juga yah ?
number7: weehh.. salah satu tempatnya di kursi belkang mobil gua gitu lho..
beliz_hati: wheuaheuahuea.... gue gak ikutan, swear gue gak ikut2xan
beliz_hati: number7: weehh.. salah satu tempatnya di kursi belkang mobil gua gitu lho <-- emang kapan kejadiannya di mobil loe ?
number7: waktu abis dari ultah gua.. kan gua nganter tuh bedua balik..
number7: yang cowok rumahnya dimana turunnya barengan sama yang cewek..
beliz_hati: ohh.... wahahahaha
beliz_hati: gue gak ikutan ah, swear gue gak ikutan
beliz_hati: eh btw loe sebagai mantan pemegang saham nggak keberatan tuh?
number7: gua juga gak ikutan..
beliz_hati: wheuahuehaueha
beliz_hati: wheuaheuha..... mampus deh gue
number7: mantan isu pemegang saham lagi....
beliz_hati: number7: mantan isu pemegang saham.. <-- gak ada asap kalo gak ada api, pasti (dulu) pernah ada right issue di pasar gelap
beliz_hati: walopun loe gak delisting di bursa saham, pasti loe maen di pasar gelap tuh
number7: eh, bel, emang ceritanya gimana di sana?
beliz_hati: jadi gak pernah terdaftar resmi sebagai pemegang saham
beliz_hati: number7: eh, bel, emang ceritanya gimana di sana? <--gak ada apa2x tau, gue cuma menggunakan momentum ke puncak sebagai ajang pembongkaran rahasia
beliz_hati: sebenernya sih nggak kelihatan banget sih
number7: pemegang saham gelap gak enak bel.. gak dapet benefit kayak yang resmi.. apaan sih gua..
beliz_hati: tapi loe kan tau, mereka gak bisa menipu Poirot
number7: aahh.. tapi ada tanda2 ya?
beliz_hati: number7: pemegang saham gelap gak enak bel.. gak dapet benefit kayak yang resmi.. apaan sih gua.. <-- tapi bisa
mereguk keuntungan dari Short Term Capital
number7: bwhahaha gilak..
number7: pantes elo seneng bener maen yang gelap gelap..
beliz_hati: wheuaheuahu....
beliz_hati: untuk menjebak maling, kita harus berpikir sebagai maling <-- itu prinsipnya
number7: *ngangguk-ngangguk*
beliz_hati: sebenernya sih gue anak baik2x
number7: prospeknya pria terpelajar gimana tuh? terang apa gelap ?
beliz_hati: gue gak bicara soal prospek saham deh
beliz_hati: gue cuma membahas sebatas move-move pialang terhadap saham tsb
beliz_hati: lebih asik membahas move drd prospek
number7: nah dari move2 kan keliatan gimana prospeknya..
beliz_hati: istilah sepakbola : lebih asik lihat gocekan ketimbang lihat gol-nya
number7: move2 bisa digosipin ya? :
beliz_hati: gocekannya sih (so far) masih standar
beliz_hati: ala EPL lah, belom sekelas brazil
beliz_hati: tapi itu cukup bagi mata Poirot
number7: hmm...
number7: sip sip..
beliz_hati: prospek gue gak tau deh, gak berani ngeramal
number7: standar arsenal.. banyak gocekan di tengah.. tau2 umpan terobosan.. dan gol...
beliz_hati: lebih baik kita nikmati saja permainannya, dan tunggu (apapun) hasil akhirnya
beliz_hati: number7: standar arsenal.. banyak gocekan di tengah.. tau2 umpan terobosan.. dan gol... <-- ahahahaha dalem
number7: sayang nih anaknya gak ada..
beliz_hati: iyah sayang anaknya gak ada
number7: andri gak tau nih kayaknya bel..
beliz_hati: andri emang gak tau
beliz_hati: itu asumsi pribadi gue kok
beliz_hati: ternyata kok cocok yah dengan data di loe
beliz_hati: makanya gue sampe ngakak2x
number7: bwahhaha.. asumsi wartawannya udah terasah..
*******: ngumungin sapa sih?
number7: hehehe.. bilangin gak?
beliz_hati: wheuaheahuea.....
beliz_hati: jangan ah, gak enak ama anaknya
number7: elu tunggu skor akhir aja ndri..
beliz_hati: btw bom di milis belom bersanbut tuh
number7: gua mau nyambut gak enak coy..
beliz_hati: wheuaehauea .....
beliz_hati: sebenernya asumsi gue bercabang
beliz_hati: antara 2 rekan **** itu
number7: ohh..
number7: wahh.. terus elo taunya yang 'itu' gimana?
beliz_hati: tapi kalo gue lihat latar belakang psikologis tersangka (kebanyakan baca poirot)
beliz_hati: tersangka lebih suka pada wanita yang muda
beliz_hati: maka dari itu gue berani tebak bahwa korban adalah yang muda
number7: boleh juga.. boleh juga..
beliz_hati: itu konklusi gue
beliz_hati: entah bener, entah salah
beliz_hati: tapi ternyata data yang kita pegang sama
number7: nahh itu dia.. apalagi dari hasil pembicaraan korban dan pelaku di kursi belakang mobil gua..
number7: sebagai cowok gua udah bisa menangkap perhatian2 lebih yang diberikan ke korban dari pelaku
beliz_hati: psstt... emang bagaimana bentuk racun berbisanya ?
number7: hehehe.. standar sih. kayak kata elo gitu..
number7: jauh lah dari gocekan brazil..
beliz_hati: masih gampang kebaca yah ?
number7: elo ajarin dong bel..
number7: ilmu brazil elo kan tinggi.. bisalah dikasih dikit2..
beliz_hati: number7: ilmu brazil elo kan tinggi.. bisalah dikasih dikit2.. <-- jangan ah, ntar malah ceweknya ngasih semua
beliz_hati: whueahehauea
number7: bwahahaha.. anjriit..
number7: udah ah.. gua cabut dulu..
number7: byeee...
beliz_hati: bye
number7: bye

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Easy to say..
Geez, look at me, giving others wise words and advice while unable to applicate what I said to myself. It's easy to say such things, but it's not easy at all to do it. Maybe it's the trademark of us indonesian, very good in talking the talk, but nothing materialise when the time to actually do it comes. I've heard somewhere, that if Indonesia footballers' skill are on par with the skill of our commentators, we'll be the one lifting the World Cup..:-). Well anyway, it's just a joke, nationality probably had nothing to do with it. See ya all later..

Monday, July 21, 2003

Bowl Night

Aaahhh.. the best night out I've had in weeks. Bowling with some good ol' friends. I almost forgot how fun it was. :D. I was a little rusty at the first few throws, missing some easy spares, but I got it right in the end, and reach the 100 points treshold. Maybe I should add another game if I didn't have to go home early :-). Oh well, there's still another time..:-). Thanks alot guys.. love ya all..

Friday, July 18, 2003

I found out about this song by Alice Peacock feat John Mayer in my friend Neya's blog. It's great, too bad John only sing a bit there.
There's a link to the mp3 (hooraay!!) of the song if you want to check it out on the above link. And click here for the lyrics.

This thing that pops in my head..
Ever think about what are you going to do in your life.? Not the usual, get a job, get married stuff, it's sooo standard, altough not everybody want it like that, but much to do with what you want to do for the rest of your life. Take me for example, I now work as a programmer in a software house, but I don't think I would be doing this for the next 3-5 years let alone the rest of my life. I sometimes amazed at some people who, at a very young age now exactly what they want to do in their life. I read this biography on Carter Beauford, a drummer for Dave Matthews Band (whose songs recently appear on this blog), he said, he know that he wanted to be a drummer since he was 6 years old, from the day his father took him to a music concert. That day, he saw a drummer playing and decided, that's what he wants to be. I mean, a SIX year old could make a decision like that! while I'm haven't figured out that for 24 years. I wonder what could make someone sure, that the path they choose is their life-calling?
Enough rambling for today, over and out.. good night everybody..

Weekend Madness
It's Friday again!
How time flies by, it seems that Monday is only yesterday, not that I'm complaining by any means..
Have a good weekend everyone!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Create Your Online Band!

Check this out..

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

My song of the day, the lyric is great! and the song is pretty good too..:D

Best of What's Around
Dave Matthews Band

Hey, my friend
It seems your eyes are troubled
Care to share your time with me
Would you say you're feeling low and so
A good idea would be to get it off of your mind

See, you and me
Have a better time than most can dream
Have it better than the best
And so can pull on through
Whatever tears at us
Whatever holds us down
And if nothing can be done
We'll make the Best of What's Around

Turns out not where but who you're with
That really matters
That really matters
And hurts not much when you're around
When you're around

And if you hold on tight
To what you think is your thing
You may find you're missing all the rest
She ran up into the light surprised
Her arms are open
Her mind's eye is...

Seeing things from a
Better side than most can dream
On a better road I feel
So you could say she's safe
Whatever tears at her
Whatever holds her down
And if nothing can be done
She'll make the best of what's around

Turns out not where but what you think
That really matters
That really matters
That really matters
And hurts not much when you're around

Dave, you're a genius..

Fool To Think
Dave Matthews Band

Look at me dreaming of you
All I could hope is to have you
To have you walking with me
Laughing so in love, we two
Almost drunkenly
I did imbibe of this
Fantasy of you and me

Was I a fool to think?
The way you looked at me
I swear you did
But you looked away too quick
Was I a fool, was I a fool to think
That you would take me home
As if I was yours
Was I a fool to think at all?

I've grown tired of love
You are the trouble with me
I watch you walk right by
I smile, you do not notice me
Treat me recklessly
All you do is toss me pennies out
But the silence in me is screaming
Won't you come and get me?

Was I a fool to think?
The way you looked at me
I swear you did
But you looked away too quick
Was I a fool, was I a fool to think
That you would take me home
As if I was yours
Was I a fool to think at all?

Was I a fool to think?
The way you looked at me
I swear you did
But you looked away too quick
Was I a fool, was I a fool to think
That you would take me home
As if I was yours
Was I a fool to think at all?

You make a mess of me here
I dance a thousand steps for you
If you say yes to me
I'll be whatever gets you through

You make a mess of me here (was I a fool?)
I dance a thousand steps for you (was I a fool?)
Was I a fool, was I a fool to think?
Am I a fool, am I a fool for you?

Linkin' Images
Want to put your picture in your blog so that everybody can see what a fine person you are?
Well there are a few ways to do it, the first is using a image hosting site like villagephotos. But if your blog is frequently visited, then you might have a problem since villagephotos limits the access to your images to 5 megs. So if you have a 250k worth of images, and the images are being visited 20 times, then your account will be expired.
The second way is by using Geocities. Geocities usually don't allow their user to link image to another site, but we could get around that by renaming the file extension of the image files. So lets say you have an image named picture.jpg, rename it to picture.txt. Then you just put it in the html code like this :
<img src="">. And voila, your picture appears on your blog..:-).

Monday, July 14, 2003

Rest In Peace guys..:(
I read on the paper this morning that two kids from my campus got killed after got swept away by a huge wave from the beach. I've never know them personally, (they enrolled a year after I graduated) but coming from the same place and all still makes it a bit harder to accept. I remember of a similar accident that happened to me when I was in Junior High, and thank God what a lucky boy I was at that time to got away from that alive. You'll never know with the sea, and even when it look calm, it can change in just a blink of an eye. God bless you all, and I hope the victims' family were given the strength to get through this..


Saturday, July 12, 2003

Saturday day out
I just got back from watching The Hulk, and I must say, I really enjoy the movie.
The story is good, got enough drama and action to make it interesting, and I just looove Jennifer Connelly. I think I wet my shirt from drooling everytime she's appear on the screen.

Thursday, July 10, 2003

Some serious stuff

A friend of mine wrote something that made me think on her blog. Regarding on human relationship,she wrote,"What would you choose, take and give or give it away?". It's natural and easy to say, to choose take and give, because naturally everybody wants something in return for something they give. But when you think about it, it's kinda of selfish to think about it like that. I mean, if you do something for others or give something to others, and expecting something in return, you don't do it sincerely for the other sake. You do it because you want something for you. And what is worse than doing things insincerely? And the only person who'll likely get hurt is yourself, cause you don't get the response you expected.
The key is just remember the reasons of your actions. And if you think you have achieve it, then you should be happy, regardless what kind of response you'll get.
I've read somewhere that "the best things in life sometimes come when you least expect it" I found it somehow true..:-)


*raise glass for eNGi..* :-)

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

dave matthews' day

The space between, the tears we cried
is the laughter that keep us coming back for more
The space between, the wicked lies we tell
and hoped keep save from the pain

- the space between, dave matthews band

What's in a name?

I used the name number 7 for several reasons,
For as start, being a football and Manchester United fan, this is the number that worn by the one and only, Eric Cantona, the talismanic player who brought the Championship back to Old Trafford. For a club who underachieve for so long, Eric contribution have been huge on winning the title, and made a good team a great one. He, without a doubt, played a major part to shape the current Manchester United side.
But it isn't United alone, other great club also have some influential players using it. Like Raul of Real Madrid or Andriy Shevchenko of AC Milan who sports the same number.
Other than that, 7 or Se7en is the title of one of my favorite movies, starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt as police detectives who investigate a series of murders based on the seven deadly sins. This movie is dark, gloomy, and have a very un-Hollywood ending, which makes it more perfect IMO. The cast is also excellent, Freeman played a near-retired detective, while Pitt as his young and eager partner. If you haven't watch this movie, I recommend you to go and watch it..

Friday, July 04, 2003

It's not as easy as it looks

When I first thought about extending the menu bar on the right to the bottom of the page, I thought it was a piece of cake. However, I've only managed to come close to that in 2.5 hours of experimenting and browsing. The menu bar don't continue to the end of the page, but stops just before the last post on the page. Apparently, based on browsing several css forums, this is become quite a problem, especially for browser other than IE. Well I don't really care about it now, since it was close enough to what I want. Maybe if I have some spare time I'll look into it a bit more, but right now, I need some sleep, laters..

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Welcome to Manchester

This week, Manchester United have signed 2 new players in David Bellion and Eric Djemba-Djemba. They're still quite young, Bellion is 20, and Djemba-Djemba is 22, so this is more for the future. I still hope that United signs a world class player to replace Beckham. Ronaldinho is the obvious choice the last couple of weeks, but with that bastard Graille in charge of PSG, the club that own Ronnie, the chance look slim as they double the initial price to from 14 million to 31 million pounds.
Well Mr Graille, you could stick yer offer to yer ass!

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Lyric quote of the day

That says it all, doesn't it?
We always want what we never get
Well listen dear, my friend
I can't continue to pretend that it's alright
'Cause that ain't right
That ain't right

No matter what we get
We never find our happiness
Ain't that a crime?

- Duncan Sheik - That Says It All

My Top 7 Album

The title says it all

1. The Police : Greatest Hits
This is the first album that I bought, and I quickly fell in love with this band. At first I just felt like buying something, and pick this album randomly. I know about Every Breath You Take, but after this album, I realize they have some amazing songs like Wrapped Around Your Finger, Tea In Sahara, Walking On The Moon, King Of Pain. Probably my favorite band of all time.

2. Phil Collins : But Seriously
Collins best album up to now IMO, full of great songs, from Another Day In Paradise, Find A Way To My Heart, Father to Son. Throughly deserve the Grammy for Album Of The Year in 1994.

3. Sting - Ten Summoners Tales
One of Sting's masterpiece, from the soothing Fields Of Gold, to the catchy Nothin' Bout Me. I like this album mostly because most of his songs have happier tunes and more colorful, than the dark and gloomy Soul Cages.

4. Sting - Nothing Like The Sun
You guess it, I'm a Sting fan... Here, Sting goes jazz, the kind of music that he really likes since his childhood. This second solo album was really a revelation that really set him apart from the Police kind of music that still apparent on his first. His backup band is really something and they have some reputation in the jazz world like Kenny Kirkland and Branford Marsalis. Songs like Lazarus Heart, Rock Steady, Little Wing ( best version since Hendrix) are some of Sting's masterpiece up to now.

5. Yourself Or Someone Like You - Matchbox 20
Matchbox 20 (now matchbox twenty, all lower case) debut album really rocks!. This album is the one that really hooked me to this modern rock genre. Great melody and lyrics, and the way Rob Thomas sing, really made the listeners felt the emotion of the song. I like most of the songs on this album, not only Push, the album biggest hit, but also songs like Long Day, Girl Like That, and Hang are really good songs.

6. Crash - Dave Matthews Band
This is the ultimate album for me. After hearing Crash, I got really curious about this band. And after got the album and listening to the whole album, they didn't disappoint me. This is THE best DMB album for me. From Matthews excellent performance on the accoustic guitar, backed with Carter Beauford on drums, Leroi Moore on sax, Boyd Tinsley on the violin and Stefan Lessard on bass, this band from Charlotte succesfully living up to the expectation that comes from their first hit major label album Under The Table and Dreaming. Highlights of the album includes Crash Into Me, #41, Two Step, Lie In Our Graves, Tripping Billies, Too Much, and the rest of the song in the album.

7. Room For Squares - John Mayer
This young singer/songwriter/musician, really hit the peak this year. Winning the grammy for Best Pop Performance for Male Artist for the song, Your Body Is A Wonderland. He caught my attention when one of my friend mention that he sound a bit like Dave Matthews. I got curious, and after listening to his first single from his debut album Room For Squares, No Such Thing, my first impression is he sounds like Matthews. But after a while, I realize that Mayer has his own style that set him apart from Matthews. His lyrics is honest and really "connect" to the listener feelings. Not only from the lyrics, he's one hell of a guitar player too. His songs sounds simple but, they're really hard to play. I like all the songs on this album, No Such Thing, Love Songs For No One, My Stupid Mouth is my favorite on this album.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Soundtrack of the week

I got this great compilation cd, put together by my dear friend sade :). I don't remember all the song, but here are some of my personal fave that make me push rewind again and again.. Click on the song name to read the lyrics..:)

- Duncan Sheik - Barely Breathing (acoustic live)
- Duncan Sheik - Bite Your Tongue
- Stereophonics - A Thousand Trees
- Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow
- Stereophonics - Is Yesterday Tomorrow Today?
- Oasis - Married With Children
- Oasis - Talk Tonight
- Oasis - Wonderwall
- Oasis - Acquiesce
- Oasis - Stand By Me