Huh, just finished that damn paper an hour ago, still have to work on the reference, but I'll do it tomorrow.
Last week in the effort to meet more people, I took an afternoon Aikido class. I figured, the benefit would come twice, I meet new people, and learn self defense at the same time.
I always curious about Aikido, but never had the chance to try it until now. When I first came I just came and watch them train. My first impression was great! The movements are beautiful yet dangerous. It stress not on the style, but mainly on the movement, which I thought is good, because I hate memorizing style. The next week, I came and learn a few moves before they thought me how to fall without hitting the vital part. I manage, but still my body's aching all over the next day. But it was great, and I'm really looking forward on the next session.
currently playing: Made To Last - Semisonic