A magician is performing at a wedding, and decides to try a new trick.
'For this trick, I'll need a female volunteer from the audience. Please raise your hand.'
Lots of female guests raise their hands. Naturally enough, he picks the blonde bridesmaid with the big tits. When she comes on stage he says:
'For the purposes of this trick, I'll need you to remove your underwear'
She's a bit bemused but trusts the magician, so takes her knickers off.
The magician then says:
'Now, I'm going to make this woman disappear!' He then proceeds to bend her over and fuck her in front of the audience. After he finishes, the audience are a bit bemused and the groom says to the magician:
'Oi! She didn't disappear at all! That wasn't a trick!'
'No', says the magician, 'but it was fucking magic!'