American Idol
Okay, I've got to admit first that I usually loath this kind of contest. But this year, I finally cave in. Yes, I've been watching this season American Idol most regularly. I've been waiting in anticipation who went out and who stays. I've been argue with friends over who should win and why
Well, there are several reasons. The contestant can actually sing. Some of them have amazing voice, and I'm pretty sure even the ones that didn't win will get a record contract sometime in the future. But the main reason.. is this

This lady has it all. The looks, the temperament, the intelligence and most importantly the voice to win this. I think I spoke for most of the male population of Idol followers that she definitely 'got it'. I scratched my head in disbelieve of how she managed to get in the bottom three two weeks ago. Get on your phone and vote her people! For God sake! How can any hot blooded male can actually think to vote for anyone else.. So America, please please please show some common sense and make Katharine McPhee the next American Idol.
Thank you.
PS: I've no affiliation whatsoever with American Idol, Freemantle, or Katharine McPhee. I merely stated my opinion which fully supported Ms McPhee to become the next American Idol.