Since Wednesday is my day off, I've woke up a little late, around 10.
10 to 20 minutes of generating the will to stand and walk to the bathroom, I finished all my morning ritual around 10:40. Doing my laundry after that, finished about 12, couldn't be arsed to ironed it, maybe later. I went to the accomodation administration after that, finishing the payment. I went to post office at
The Bridges after that, got some mail to drop. Finish with that, I went to attend my EAP, that's English for Academic Purposes class. When I go in class, I was a bit dissappointed cause that cute german girl with cute accent didn't show up. She's the reason why i took this time slot

. But 10 minutes later..she show up..hehehe, apparently she's just being late. Anyway, learned a little bit about bibliography and referencing other people work. Could be useful in future assignments. Walk back to my room at 5. A quick look at my laundry basket, and all the laziness just came back to me. Oh well there's always tomorrow. Another day goes by, but still a long way to go..
currently listening : Because of You - Keith Martin