Thursday, October 23, 2008


Gw gak tau mau nulis apaan. Cuma butuh tempat venting, karena gw baru aja dapat kabar mengejutkan. Tadi salah satu bekas teman kantor gw buzz gw di YM. Dia ngabarin, salah satu mantan rekan kita dulu ada yang meninggal dunia.

Gw kaget. Sama sekali gak nyangka. Dulu kantor gw itu selain bisnis IT juga bisnis desain. Mbak Rury itu salah satu desainer yang kerja di kantor gw. Dulu awal2 gw suka John Mayer, dia jadi keracunan juga gara2 sering gw puter di meja gw, sampe akhirnya gw kasih semua koleksi mp3 JM gw. Dulu awal2 gw masih jomblo, dia sering ojog2 gw buat cari cewe, dan gw suka balikin kalo dia belom ada cowo. Waktu gw udah resign dan lagi di UK, gw denger kalo dia udah nikah. I'm happy for her. Gw message sori kalo ga bisa dateng. Dia malah bales, nanyain kapan giliran gw. Apalagi waktu dia berhasil jodohin Indra sama sahabatnya..hahaha.. Indra-nya udah ngebet juga kayanya.

Terakhir kali ketemu kayaknya pas pernikahannya Adoe. Udah lumayan lama juga rupanya.

Damn. Gw masih kaget. Gak nyangka kalo hidup dia begitu pendek. Pas gw denger dia udah nikah gw kira life was going to be great for her. You know, di Jakarta gini kayanya cari jodoh susah. Dan gw tau dia kalo kerja lumayan berat. Jadi gw kira waktu pas dia menikah, "that's her happy life sorted then".

Apparently not.

Argh.. so long mbak.. thanks for the memories.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Black Adder

the Youtube link.

Blackadder: Right Baldrick, let's try again shall we? This is called adding. If I have two beans, and then I add two more beans, what do I have?
Baldrick: Some beans.
Blackadder: Yes... and no. Let's try again shall we? I have two beans, then I add two more beans. What does that make?
Baldrick: A very small casserole.
Blackadder: Baldrick, the ape creatures of the Indus have mastered this. Now try again. One, two, three, four. So how many are there?
Baldrick: Three.
Blackadder: What?
Baldrick: ...and that one.
Blackadder: Three and that one. So if I add that one to the three what will I have?
Baldrick: Oh. Some beans.
Blackadder: Yes. To you Baldrick, the Renaissance was just something that happened to other people, wasn't it?

Comedy gold.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Dum Dums - Lonely Hearts Company

Sometimes I'm sad and i don't know why
I sit under the stars and I almost cry
and in times like these you know I'm lonely and I wanna die

When you're looking for a cigarette to ease your pain
And your life's a drag and you work in vain
Burned down your office and walk out into the rain

Life is short
You gotta look around
Pretty soon you'll be all grown up
With dead eyed kids and a life of hell
Stick with me and we'll feel swell

Lonely hearts company
Selling shares in sympathy
Lonely hearts company
Share with me your misery

Well i dont like to smoke cuz it takes your cash
And i dont roll notes cuz i aint that flash
But in times like these you know i feel like getting trashed
Yet the thing about you is that you see me through
And I can sit around and just talk to you
This world is such a cynical place
People can be so cruel

Life is short
You gotta look around
Pretty soon you'll be all grown up
With dead eyed kids and a life of hell
Stick with me and we'll feel swell

Lonely hearts company
Selling shares in sympathy
Lonely hearts company
Share with me your misery

Lonely hearts company
Selling shares in sympathy
Lonely hearts company
Share with me your misery...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


A magician is performing at a wedding, and decides to try a new trick.

'For this trick, I'll need a female volunteer from the audience. Please raise your hand.'

Lots of female guests raise their hands. Naturally enough, he picks the blonde bridesmaid with the big tits. When she comes on stage he says:

'For the purposes of this trick, I'll need you to remove your underwear'

She's a bit bemused but trusts the magician, so takes her knickers off.

The magician then says:

'Now, I'm going to make this woman disappear!' He then proceeds to bend her over and fuck her in front of the audience. After he finishes, the audience are a bit bemused and the groom says to the magician:

'Oi! She didn't disappear at all! That wasn't a trick!'

'No', says the magician, 'but it was fucking magic!'

Tuesday, March 06, 2007 Feature Test

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