Since exercise pill that can give you six packs without doing any real exercise is still haven't been invented, I think the best invention mankind have ever produce is music. I don't really know how music start, probably some lazy ass caveman who have nothing to do, thinks his voice sounds good and decided to sing. Well, fuck knows. But thankfully, over the years, it has evolved to somehow nicer to hear sounds.
I actually not to fond of music at first to be honest, although my sisters would play songs that somehow etched in my memory for years to come. Not until I reached highschool that I really got into it. It's really by accident, I was in Jogjakarta, and was hours before getting into the train that took me back to Jakarta. I was waiting for my family, who were getting some stuff, in a record shop. Since it was a long journey, I think it would be nice to have some music on my walkman. I randomly picked some tape, which turns out to be The Police Greatest Hits

It hooked right from the start.
The moment Sting told Roxanne to not to put on the red light, up until he tells a story about three sisters who have tea in sahara, I was hooked.
I searched for other The Police albums, and love them. It was quite strange, being a Police fan in 1994. They were already disbanded for more than 10 years. But good music are still good music. Since the have no more albums, and I've become a fan of Sting's songwriting style, I started looking for Sting solo albums. I like them too, especially Nothing Like The Sun...
Normally, I try to listened to some other stuff, and later I found out I have a really soft spot for the sound of acoustic guitar, or anything acoustic to a lesser degree. I can only play guitar a bit, but I like the sound of it. So later on, artist like John Mayer, Dave Matthews Band, and Teitur is the names on my playlist. Not coincidentally, all three artists have openly mentioned that Sting one of their major influence.
Now, I think Sting obsession of playing 'World Music' as I called it, have pushed him away from the things that I use to like about his music. He said in some interviews that he sees his music as an organic thing, something which will grow into new things. Sadly, I found 'this new thing' isn't to my taste anymore. But I will never forget that moment where I found that I fell in love with music. And for that Messr Sumner, Messr Copeland, Messr Summer, I salute you.
Actually, the exercise pill was one of my research proposals in Biology... :pp
Uuh I'm the 10,000er
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