He Returns.. With A Bang!
Geek Alert!
Okay, so I watched Superman Returns for the second time last weekend. I'm usually quite tight when it comes on seeing movies at the cinema, but I make exceptions now and then for movies I like.
So, you could all guess that I like Superman Returns. How much I like it? I absolutely love it. 100% love it. There are just so many things that I really like about it. One thing is that how they persist with the feel of Richard Donner's Superman movies. Donner's Superman was considered as the best potrayal of the man of steel, a view that Bryan Singer obviously agreed, since there are alot of homage to those movies in Superman Returns.
One thing that also makes it good is the cast. Christopher Reeve potrayal of Superman is considered so iconic and perfect that it was deemed that no one would be able to do it as good as Reeve. Well, hats off to Singer, he found a guy who just doesn't look like Reeve, but able to act too. Brandon Routh is amazingly similar to Reeve, that it creeps me out in some of the scene. He have that grace and authority as Superman, and also that klutziness and shyness as Clark Kent. And the good thing is, he didn't try to copy Reeve, but he made the role his own. Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, and Lex Luthor was also perfectly cast. My only reservation was Kate Bosworth who's waay too young to play Lois Lane. She played a Pulitzer winning journalist who also have a five year old son, but still look like in her early twenties.
The action scenes was nothing sort of amazing. For me, the sign of a good action scene is, even when you know the hero is going to show to save the day, you still on the edge of your seat before that moment appear on the screen.
I've never been a Superman fan before this movie, because I think he's too omnipotent. He can fly, he's invulnerable, he can shoot fire from his eyes, he's super strong, etc. I mean, he's a perfect hero that it's kinda hard to find him interesting. The writers know that too, so they take a different turn for Returns, by potrayed more on the emotional side of this god-like man. Here the most powerful man in the world, but he can't be with the woman he loves because she move on with someone else. Here, it's also shown that his power also comes the responsibility to save the world. There's this great scene where Superman and Lois flew above Metropolis, and said "You said that the world doesn't need a saviour. But everyday, I can hear everyone crying for one".
Bryan, I forgive you leaving the X-Men for this.. because Returns is just so freaking awesome.
I re-wat
Didn't you go there with my alter ego? No?
hmm.. don't think so
Reel, gue nonton 7 kali di DVD dan 2 kali di bioskop. Top that! Hanya karena Kompas mereview Superman jelek banget, diulas 1/2 halaman panjangnya dan ditulis jelek, jelek, jelek. Gue pikir, ah film jelek - beli DVD bajakannya ajah.
Gue percaya.
Begitu nonton gue kesel 1/2 mati, gue cari tu koran dan gue jadiin alas tai kucing.
KOMPAS brengsek! Gue nonton film bagus di DVD bajakan! Kata gue ngulas film bagus jadi jelek itu lebih jahat dari pada ngulas film jelek jadi bagus.
Anyway, after 9 times, blundernya cuman moncong pesawatnya tetep mulus setelah mendarat. Other than that it is PERFECT!
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