I wrote about this in this post last year. I didn't actually believe that at first, I wrote that merely as an observation of what's happening out there.
But in the last few weeks I come to actually believe about that. I'm soo tired of being this fucking nice guy that everyone could walk on and make fun of. I used to believe that, you have to treat other people like you want to be treated. But hell, I was friggin' wrong. It doesn't work like that anymore. So I asked, what's the point? What's the point of being good, nice, considerate, and all that nicey wussy stuff when all it does is giving others the opportunity to walk all over you?
History proved that it's usually the assholes that raised to the top. Bill Gates is a fucking megalomaniac cheating prick, but he's the fucking richest man in the planet because of that. There's only one person you should and could care and trust, that's yourself. No other person than that. I friggin' tired, physically, and mentally, much to the point that I don't really care anymore.
This is not whining. This is merely an realisation, an enlightment of what's been escaping me all this time. And even those who read this think it is, I don't give a flying fuck.
over and out.
read my post here
heheh :P
Well, I guess it is a matter of priority really.
Is having a lot of many, power and being an ass is v.v. important to one self? Then one should start being a .. how do you call it? cheating megalo-manic depressive?
I guess you just have to step on the gas and get started.
However, if after a while one did not feel comfortable doing it, one is welcome to comeback and be the nice and helpful guy that one once had been.
ho ho
Bill Gates is merely an example chik, that's not the point. It's not about money, power or whatever it is, it's about survival. It's about not giving other people the chance to hurt you. But you're right at something. It's about priority, that is yourself.
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