You just know there's something wrong
Just a quick recap.
My deadline is exactly a month from now, and I just found out yesterday afternoon that my program has a major flaw. I've been up all night fixing it, and still have to continue until the next day (today that is).
I still have to create test cases for the application, and haven't wrote a single piece of my supposed 15000 words project report. And I supposed to write the report preferably a week before deadline so I can have someone reading it, and give input on the report.. Aint life a grand.
Oh, I'll be moving out from the student accomodation tomorrow, to a rented house with fellow Indonesians. Can't say I'll missed the place to be honest. Anyway, it's much cheaper there, and the house also have internet connection, so no worries there.
I watch Purely Belter when I took a break tonite. Quite a fun movie, about 2 kids who are desperate to buy a season tickets for Newcastle United, but didn't have enough money. So they use every imaginable way to get their hands on some cash. That's include, stealing, selling junk and last but not least, robbing a bank. Alan Shearer makes an appearance, but only for a second. I like it, although not too much. And it's kinda nice to see a movie where the location is just around the corner..
*currently playing: Munich Air Disaster 1958 - Morrisey*
hmm kapan ya orang nyuting pelem di sunter ;)
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