Monday, May 31, 2004

John Mayer on Sting

"Sting is such a cool guy that, as long as it was with Sting, you could do anything in the world and tell all your friends about it the next day over a pitcher of beer [and they'd think it was cool]," Mayer said, before serving up an imaginary scenario: " 'Sting and I were driving up the coast of California ... next thing you know, we stop off at a rest stop and we're [getting naked] in one of the stalls ...' " He laughs, then continues, "And all your friends will be like, 'Yeeeahh!' Why? 'Cuz it was Sting."

how gay can it get??

full interview


At 8:07 AM, Blogger balq said...

fid.. pakabarnye bro.
comsysnya ganti nih..? agak ribed kalo pake blogger punya.. nooh di tempat gw byk pic LR series.. hehehe.


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