I just browse back some of the posts that I made a few months back when I restarted this blog. Not so bad afterall me think. I used to think that my posts is just bad and not easy to read. Fortunately that's not always the case..
Anyway, I've started my second term here, and I have finished my first assignment for this semester. We've got a 2 week holiday starting next Monday, and I planned on using it to the fullest! Knowing that after Easter, I had to submit 6 assignments for the next six weeks, well fuck you assignments, fuck you!! I wont be bother with you at my holiday!
Hair. I got a problem with my hair. Why are they so hard to lay down? I mean, almost all the time they just standup like some pr**k with overdose viagra. I have to put on my hat when my hair still wet so that when they become dry, they'll stay down. Even that's not always working. It's starting to piss me off. And everytime I woke up in the morning, my head just look like some giant hedgehog. I was thinking on shaving my head again, but I missed having hair on my head.. Any ideas loyal readers?
I have a question. How do you know that you've reach the level of maturity that fits your age? I often feel like I'm a kid at heart. I dunno if that's good or bad. Sometimes I know just what's the wise and mature things to say or do, but sometimes I regret my reactions on things that I should've known better. I envy those kind of people who just know the right thing to say or do most of the time.
Back to the nostalgic theme, hmm I better tell this in bahasa.
Gua abis baca testimonial temen2 kuliah gua di friendster, dan jadi inget dulu masa2 kuliah.
Dulu di tahun terakhir, gua sempet ngontrak rumah sama temen2 angkatan gua. Gua masih inget tempatnya, jalan Haji Mahali di Depok. Gua di sana berlima, ada Teguh, Adi, Yudhi dan Kiki. Semua cowok, dan semua (kecuali Kiki) gila bola. Selain mereka, masih ada penumpang gelap tetap, Khrisna, Leon dan Sansu. Gua inget banget dulu waktu jam 2-3 pagi bangun nonton Liga Champions bareng, nyela2 tim yang kalah, hehehe. Atau pas main game jaringan bareng sampai pagi, atau waktu maen WE sampai rebutan stick.. aah good old days. And to think at that time we supposed to finished our final paper..hehehe. Anyway, gua baru nyadar, setahun itu ternyata gua bisa lebih kenal temen2 gua daripada 4 tahun sebelumnya. Tau batasan2 mereka, dan kalau gua ngelempar joke atau ide, mereka pasti langsung nyambung dan nangkep maksud gua. I can be myself but still feel not out of place at all, isn't that great or what?
cheers guys, I hope I'll see you all soon..
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