The Green Blog
where everything's green..
Saturday, December 20, 2003
About Me
- Name: Chafid
- Location: Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
greatly interested in comics, music, movies, and anything related to Manchester United, the greatest club in the world.
Previous Posts
- Friday Five ... (on Saturday) It's late, but I go...
- Before I go to sleep.. Elo pernah ketemu orang ya...
- this weekend It's a great weekend on Saturday foo...
- Freakin' Weird Enetation makin aneh aja nih, masa...
- Midnight thougts. Tadi sore gua submit assignment...
- New Member of The Family! Finally, after a nine mo...
- Nunggu Subuh.. Huaahh.. akhirnya selesai juga tuh...
- Wonderwall And all the road we have to walk are w...
- Weekend Joke.. A driver is pulled over by a polic...
- Dear Blog Today I found a target for myself. I ho...

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