Thursday, February 12, 2004

Things That I Hate in Forums, Messageboards, or any Other Writing Mediums

1. Postingan yang nulisnya hUrUF kEciL hUruF gEDe gAnTIan.
2. Unnecessary w, h, or c, like in dech, ghue, or ghuwe..
3. Totally ignorant people yang males baca beberapa page sebelumnya dan malah nanya, "eh, maksudnya apa sih?"
4. Long but unparagraph posting. bikin males bacanya
5. Girls that post in football forum ONLY because this or that player is good looking.
6. Bales postingan orang cuma buat bilang.."wah gak tau tuh", padahal bukan nanya ke dia. Kalo gak tau ngapain juga bales?

that's probably the ones at the top of my head..


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