12 More Days
12 more days it'll all be over.
No more assignments, no more homework.
Just plain nothing. Ahh. how I long for those days..
I've got to tell you, the job seeking thingy is not working well. I don't know what's wrong to be honest.
I've tried to apply almost any job I could find at the Job Center, but still no avail.
The employment agencies that supposed to help me is producing shit either. I went there to ask if there are any job for but they give me nothing. Claiming that there aren't any job available. Two employment agency and both can't come with a part time job for a student who practically willing to do anything. I thought I would be an easy target for those minimum-wage-employer-seeking company. The thought of that they did not want to hire me because of my name had crept at back of my mind. But I got rid of that thought, I got no proof at all and that just make me sound like a complete tosser who try to find a scapegoat his own failure. My best guess is I failed at the interview, must look much more confident, and keep eye contact with the interviewer.
And there's this thing about National Insurance Number, one interviewer said I had to have a NIN before I could apply for any job in UK, but the department who issue NIN said that they couldn't give me an NIN if I do not have any job. Crap bureaucracy ..
To those who'll go the TOTO concert tomorrow, lucky bastard you all.. I hate you guys, I really do!!
hehehe.. just kiddin'..
currently playing: Teitur - Poetry and Aeroplane
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