I could write a song, a hundred miles long
Well, actually I can't. And let me tell you why (Although you might be able to guess this already). I'm a terrible writer. And I mean terrible. Took me forever to construct a good sentence. And it's even longer when in Bahasa Indonesia. And my storytelling technique is awful. It doesn't have any structure, I usually just jump from points to points that I want to explain.
Besides all that, I do find writing refreshing, even if in the end, after all my effort, I was probably the only person who understand what I wrote. The thing about writing is, you can think what you really want to say so it come out the way you want it to be. For someone whose brain works quicker than his mouth, this is very much a very good thing.
So don't expect to find, logical, structural post in this blog, cause you'll won't find it. If you do, let me know and I'll delete them since it's probably my evil twin who wrote it ;).
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