Monday, December 29, 2003

The Journey Has Ended

What a journey it has been
Akhirnya nonton juga gua Sabtu kemarin. Keren, apalagi fight scene pas serangan ke Gondor emang keren abis.. gila aja yang ngerjain effectnya. Flaw film ini cuma awalnya yang rada-rada ngebosenin, apalagi udah rada-rada lupa sama cerita di Two Towers. Udah gitu, banyak banget adegan yang slow motion, jadi makin berasa kepanjangan.

Friday, December 26, 2003

Ngeblog dulu ahh..

Hmm.. sebenernya lagi gak ada ide sih.. cuma pengen nulis,
Gua kangen sama Indonesia. Makanannya , temen-temen dan keluarga.
Kerasa banget pas lagi liburan gini, kalau di rumah pasti banyak makanan yang enak-enak hehh.. I missed pisang goreng bikinan orang rumah. Dan biasanya kalau gak ngumpul bareng keluarga, ya jalan bareng temen-temen. Doohh. udah lama banget gak boling nih. Di sini kayaknya ada, tapi mau keluar males juga, lagi musim dingin gini, cuaca gak bersahabat. Hehehe... kayaknya gua kebanyakan malesnya, emang susah kalau bawaannya udah males..
Dah ah.. laters guys, jam setengah 4 pagi.. gua belom tidur nih.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Post of the day

I've finished another assignment (hey, what else's new?) today. Well, I have to finished it today, since I've got to finished this one on the lab and today is the last day the lab open until 5th of January. Now I just have to wrote a report on it (which is not gonna happen in the near future ).
I smell some loove on some of the blogs I've visit recently . Meet your soulmates on the blog? Anything can happen today isn't it? I just love reading the signs..heheh. And all I got to say is go for it man!!!
For new year and christmast holiday, I really don't have anything planned yet. Some of my flatmates asked me to join them spending the new year on Edinburgh. But I'm still thinking about it, the cost is a little bit too much for a jobless student like me.
Anyway.. merry christmast to those who celebrate it, and happy new year. It's been a good year.. I hope you all feel the same too..


currently playing : The Darkness - A Thing Called Love

Monday, December 22, 2003

UK's Christmast No 1

great melody, great lyrics..

Mad World
Michael Andrews feat. Gary Jules

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places
Worn out faces

Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere
Going nowhere

Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression
No expression

Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow
No tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying
Are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It’s a very very
Mad world
Mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday
Happy birthday

And I feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen
Sit and listen

Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me
No one knew me

Hello teacher tell me what’s my lesson
Look right through me
Look right through me


And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying
Are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It’s a very very
Mad world
Mad world
enlarge in your world
Mad world

Saturday, December 20, 2003

And the winner is...


sade, cd-nya pas gua balik aja ye..

Friday Five ... (on Saturday)

It's late, but I got nothing better to do.. (actually there is, those assignments aren't going to finished by themselves, but assignments on weekend?? blah!)

1. List your five favorite beverages.
- Water
- Coca Cola
- Hot tea
- Avocado Juice
- Orange Juice

2. List your five favorite websites.
- Google
- Soccernet
- redcafe's forum
- Internet Movie Database
- kafegaul's forum

3. List your five favorite snack foods.
- Indomie
- Heinz's Strawberry Cheesecake
- Pringles
- Kinder Chocolate
- Apple

4. List your five favorite board and/or card games.
- Monopoly
- Scrabble
- Trumps
- Uno

5. List your five favorite computer and/or game system games.
- Championship Manager
- Winning Eleven (on PS2)

I can't list five for number 4 and 5, since that's all I like..

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Before I go to sleep..

Elo pernah ketemu orang yang liat tampangnya aja rasanya pengen nampol gak? padahal orangnya gak ngapa-ngapain ke elo. hehehe, di kelas gua ada tuh orang yang tampangnya kayak gitu.. berasanya, tuh orang tampangnya songong banget, aslinya sih gua gak gitu kenal.. cuma sempet ngomong basa - basi sekali. Tapi entah kenapa, dari ngomong basa-basi sekali itu gua udah gak suka.. . Gua tau sih, semua omongan orang yang bilang jangan nilai orang dari tampangnya.. tapi ini sebenernya lebih pada kesan yang gua tangkep dari mukanya itu. Bukan berarti gua nilai orangnya emang kayak gitu. Siapa tau kalau gua kenal lebih lanjut ternyata orangnya ramah baik hati dan suka menabung..*lho kok jadi si boy*.
Gua sendiri emang rada males bersosialisasi sama anak - anak dari course gua, paling cuma sebates nanya2 tugas doang, jadi kayaknya kalau kenal orang, ya sebatas tau tampang doang..

hehehe.. udah ah, time to get some sleep..

currently playing : Josh Kelley - Amazing

Sunday, December 14, 2003

this weekend

It's a great weekend on Saturday football wise, with United won 3-1 in the Manchester derby, with Scholes scoring 2 great headers. It's so good seeing him play again, with him playing we played much much better than in recent weeks. Those little flicks, always finding spaces in midfield, and of course the goals. It was added with result in other places, with Chelsea lose at home against Bolton, and the scousers are beaten 2-1 again at home by Southampton . However, It look like the Arse is going to regain top spot though, cause at the time of the writing, they lead 1-0 against Blackburn.
As for Sunday, I didn't do much, I was planning to do some some shopping, but decided to cancel it due to rain, and catching up with some reading that I supposed to do last week..

2 new Smallville episode are finished this morning, I make plans to watch them after I finished with the reading. btw, my HD is running out of space here.. I think I have to delete some of the movies I download, I'm not in the mood of watching them anyway. hmm, which one should I delete?, So far, I got, KPax, Trainspotting, Goodbye Lenin, and Labyrinth.

Friday, December 12, 2003

Freakin' Weird

Enetation makin aneh aja nih, masa comment dari 10 hari yang lalu baru muncul sekarang?
Buat temen2 yang comment, sori ya kalau gak dibales, soalnya gua emang baru liat sekarang..
I'm considering on switching to doneeh, but can't be arsed to registered and configured the whole thing back .

Kemarin abis jalan-jalan ke blognya bapak ini, gua jadi inget sama Saybia, yang dari dulu mau gua lagu-lagunya donlot tapi lupa mulu.
btw, mulai tanggal 17 Dec, network kampus bakal pakai firewall.. hiks.. there goes smallville, comics, mp3..

currently playing: Stay - Saybia

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Midnight thougts.

Tadi sore gua submit assignment terakhir gua buat tahun ini, akhirnya bisa lega sedikit sampai paling nggak tahun baru. Not my best work though, but it will do.
Barusan abis jalan2 ke beberapa blog baru anak-anak yang dulu sekampus sama gua, leave a few messages, dan got back here. Satu hal yang gua perhatiin, kayaknya abis lepas dari kampus dan kerja, internet sering banget jadi tempat pelarian yang paling efektif, atau gua bilang malah sering jadi tempat pelarian satu2nya dari kejenuhan rutinitas di kantor. Gua dulu waktu kuliah jarang banget chatting pakai YM, apalagi main-main ke forum. Kalau lagi jenuh dengan pelajaran dan kuliah, bisa ketemu temen2 dan jalan. Tapi pas udah kerja, kayaknya cuma 2 itu yang bisa bikin gua gak bosen di tempat kerja. Malah kayaknya kalau sehari aja gak masuk forum atau nyapa temen2 di YM kayaknya berasa ada yang kurang . sekarang, ditambah lagi dengan blog, kayaknya jadi makin banyak aja cara buat ketemu orang secara virtual. Udah mulai jarang kali ya, orang yang udah kerja gitu ketemu orang di luar temen2 kantor dengan cara biasa..
anyway, udah mau jam 2 pagi sekarang, got to go now.. laters..

currently playing: Incubus - I Missed You (acoustic version)

Monday, December 08, 2003

New Member of The Family!
Finally, after a nine month wait, he's finally arrive congratulation sis!!
I welcomed you to the world, Faizan Nurrahman, born 7 December 2003, at exactly 21:02.
Be a good boy for your parents okay?

currently playing : Morrissey - Everyday is Like Sunday

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Nunggu Subuh..

Huaahh.. akhirnya selesai juga tuh assignment sialan..
baru selesai jam 5 tadi, daripada nanti nggak subuh, mending ngeweb sama ym-an dulu .
Sekalian juga, jalan2 ngucapin met lebaran ke kampung blog anak-anak di link sebelah kanan.
btw, ngerasa gak sih bulan ini banyak yang nikah? pada nungguin bulan puasa selesai kali ya?
Bulan ini aja udah ada 3 orang yang nikah, itu pun tanggal baru 2 minggu pertama. 2 orang temen kuliah gua tanggal 7 sama tanggal 12 Desember, tanggal 14 Desember bekas temen sekantor gua.. (buat yang anak KG.. itu tuh.. b@rtsimpson ). Yah, gua doain moga2 pada langgeng deh nikahnya.. *amiiiinn*
eh, adzan nih.. sholat dulu ahh, terus tidur.. lama-lama ngantuk juga .. hehehe..

Monday, December 01, 2003


And all the road we have to walk are winding,
And all the lies that leads us there are blinding
There many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know how

still a great song after all this years..
kapan ya maen di kota gua..